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Use this form for projects that have not been completed.  This form is for reporting projects that have not yet been implemented or are still ongoing. If you have been awarded mini-grant funds and the project is completed please submit a final report form using this link

Chapters are required to report on the status of mini-grant awards prior to the subsequent application period. For example, if you received a mini-grant in the spring cycle, a final report form or project update form must be completed before the November 1st Fall Cycle deadline.  Chapters that have not submitted updates or reports prior to the deadline are ineligible to receive mini-grant funds until the reporting requirement is fulfilled. 

Use this form for completed projects only.  If you have been awarded mini-grant funds and the project is ongoing or not yet implemented, please complete the project update form using this link. 

Chapters are required to report on the status of mini-grant awards prior to the subsequent application period. For example, if you received a mini-grant in the spring cycle, a final report form or project update form must be completed before the November 1st Fall Cycle deadline.  Chapters that have not submitted updates or reports prior to the deadline are ineligible to receive mini-grant funds until the reporting requirement is fulfilled. 

The mini-grant program supports the projects of TU chapters and affiliates in Montana. A TU chapter or affiliate must be the primary applicant. Projects must fit the following criteria:

Habitat Protection & Enhancement Fund Eligibility

  • Improve water quality.
  • Improve riparian protection, including habitat restoration and acquisition of key conservation properties.
  • Enhance stream flows, including investments in water-use efficiency and acquisition or leasing of water and water rights.
  • Enhance watershed health.
  • Protect important trout habitat from harm.
  • Advocate for policy (within the limits of 501 c(3) tax status) affecting the conservation, protection and restoration of wild trout and their habitats.
  • Past recipients must have completed and submitted a Final Project Report for any funds received after November 2017.

Steve Bryant Wild Trout Stewardship Fund Eligibility

  • Provide educational activities that foster understanding of the biological, cultural and economic values of wild trout.
  • Provide education to landowners for conserving wild trout, water quality, streamflows and trout habitat.
  • Communicate important conservation messages to the public, elected officials, policymakers and TU members.
  • Support research specifically designed to accomplish or contribute to the conservation, protection or restoration of wild trout and their habitats.
  • Benefit Montana’s native trout and grayling.

Past recipients must have completed and submitted a Final Project Report for any funds received after November 2017.

Montana Trout Unlimited